Almost two years ago I blogged about my Global Game Jam entry called Hexoboros. This year’s approaching GGJ reminded me that I wanted to port this game to Android. Back then it turned out to be quite hard and results were not very satisfying.
This post is a part of Idea Factory series. Last two years I travelled a lot to various Open Source related conferences. After few of them I already got quite a good idea what to pack and what not, depending on the length and the destination of the trip. But from time to time I forgot something and that later turned out to be a huge mistake.
This post is a part of Idea Factory series. One evening I found really nice work by Ryan Alexander where images are created by simulating a life of mycelium. I was wondering how it was done and I came up with my own Processing sketch that creates something similar (although not as quite nice as the original work).
This post is a part of Idea Factory series. Two years ago someone sent me quite weird pull request on Github. It took me some time to realize that the only change was the removal of whitespace at the end of the lines of all files. Commit message contained a link to some software development company so the whole effort could be considered as some kind of spam or publicity stunt.
This post is a part of Idea Factory series. Recently my friend sent me a link to this great random comic generator at Pandyland. My idea is to create a similar application but instead of the drawn figures it would use your friends photos from Facebook.
This post is a part of Idea Factory series. The idea is simple: create a mobile phone application that is able to count coins (and their values) from the photo.
From time to time I come up with the “ultimate idea”, but because I don’t have usually time to implement it right away
I put it in my backlog. Unfortunately, the backlog is growing bigger and bigger and I started to realize there are some
ideas on the list to which I’ll never return, but still they would be nice to have.
Last week I attended Ars Electronica Festival with an additional title “The Big Picture”. This was quite a new experience for me, because I usually visit technical conferences, while this one was more about art (but tech was of course present as well!).
Some time ago I created a timelapse video using webcam and mplayer. Today I was asked how I did it and because I did not remember exactly the command line options I decided to write this post to save you some time reading manpages.