Yesterday Andrea aka anubisg1 announced the Live CDs for LXDE, which he built in Build Service with the help of Dmitry Serpokryl. It was a very easy task for me to replace LXDE packages with Xfce ones in kiwi definition, so I can present you the Xfce Live CDs!
Almost exactly 3 months ago I blogged about a Geeko Bus. What a surprise I had today when I saw a tram decorated in a very similar fashion. The weird thing is, that both bus 183 and tram 8 have their stops near our Prague offices. There is definitely something fishy going on! :-D
A few days ago Michal blogged about a public virtual machine by our dear friend Jaromir Cervenka. Time flew by, Jaromir installed the latest Milestone 3 to the machine and the project is now available from the new and easy to remember domain (thanks darix for driving this). The new frontpage also contains the instructions in English how to access it via VNC and SSH client or directly inside the browser.
During the last openSUSE Conference we (Benji, Brent, Bryen, Francis, Michal, Petr, Stephen and me) had a brainstorming meeting about social aspects of our community. We were able to come up with lots of ideas and I want to thank all of you for your participation!
Today I had a very nice surprise laying on my office desk. It was a postcard from my dear friends from Brno (so called #fedora-cs mafia :-D) depicting a 3D image of a geeko on sand. Luckily I was able to find two shops (here and here) which offer this jewel. The latter one also had the 3D picture so I can share this viewing pleasure with you:
I use Mozilla Thunderbird as my e-mail client and I prefer plain-text messages over HTML format. When you view a threaded conversation it looks like this:
If you are closely following Ruby development and especially the situation around ruby gems, you might already know of Gemcutter. It is a new service, which provides a very easy way how to publish gems and also a good API to deal with them. It is not trying to replace RubyForge as whole, just its gem hosting (+ now defunct GitHub gem hosting) and will soon become the central and the only place for Ruby gems. The whole site is MIT licensed and the code is available on GitHub.