Pavol Rusnak #Cypherpunk #FOSS #Bitcoin #AI

openSUSE Counter for Facebook

Gnokii pointed me to Ubuntu countdown banner for Facebook and asked me if I could rework it to show openSUSE Counter instead. Unfortunately I was not able to reuse the code because it was written in Python as a plugin for Google AppEngine and I wanted something lightier. After some time I was able to come up with my own simple solution in PHP. :-)

Here are the steps for you:

  1. login to Facebook
  2. go to
  3. application will ask for permission to access your profile, to accept click Allow fbcounter1
  4. click Add to Profile on the following page fbcounter2
  5. click Add to confirm your choice fbcounter3
  6. you’ll be taken to your profile page where you click Keep fbcounter4
  7. enjoy openSUSE counter on your Facebook profile! :-)

Update: When the counter seems to be stuck on 43 days, just remove and re-add the profile box.