A step in the evolution of Bitcoin towards
a completely safe payment system.
Generating seed
constant forest adore false green weave stop guy fur freeze giggle clock ✔ Noted
Hello Alice, Please connect your TREZOR ...
Hello Alice, Your balance is 12.0 BTC RECEIVE SEND WALLET
Send: 10.0 BTC________ To: Bob (1BobA123456789)____________________ Fee: 0.0001 BTC__________ CANCEL SEND
Retype this OTP huncexhm into your client
Enter OTP: huncexhm________
Cancel OK
Please enter the PIN into your client
Please enter the PIN:
Cancel OK
1BobA123456789 10.00000000 BTC Confirm payment? ✘ Cancel ✔ Confirm
Sent 10.0 BTC to Bob
with 0.0001 fee.
Transaction ID: 6dc17ff104
Hello Alice, Your balance is 1.9999 BTC RECEIVE SEND WALLET